
Exploring Chicago’s Art Institute: Part 1

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

As mentioned earlier, my mid-year resolution was to properly explore Chicago’s Art Institute. I am slowly making progress. Phase one was the Modern Wing, which I fully explored last week:

The Eventuality of Destiny

The Eventuality of Destiny

From my perspective, the third-floor gallery “European Modern Art 1900 – 1950” was the one that I enjoyed the most. There is a profusion of art there, but just enough space and light to prevent everything overlapping and distracting. This will probably be the gallery that I return to most.

Clown Torture

Clown Torture

Whilst there, I did see a school group (kids about seven or eight years in age) mistake Bruce Nauman’s “Clown Torture” for something they would enjoy. They soon left, with a chastened school guide. Plenty of nightmare material…

Waka onna (young woman) No Mask

This week, I started to work my way through the “non-modern” museum. Visited the lower levels, and started on some of the galleries on the first level:


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