
Jorno – My New Bluetooth Keyboard


The Jorno Arrives

I started to write this a month ago, and just posted now… Probably not terribly excited about the new keyboard.

Unboxing The Jorno

Unboxing The Jorno

A new Bluetooth folding keyboard arrived on my doorstep yesterday, this was the Jorno. It had taken several years to get to me, being a Kickstarter campaign I had supported back in 2013.

The Jorno

The Jorno

So was it worth the wait?



Sort of. The Jorno is aesthetically pleasing, and seems to be fairly solidly constructed. For those situations where I need a portable keyboard that packs easily into a bag or jacket pocket, then this will be the one that I use (until I find something better). I have a Reudo folding keyboard, that is a tad smaller and lighter, but the Jorno feels a little better constructed. I have an old Stowaway, that is considerable smaller and lighter, but the Stowaway only has three lines of keys – making things less convenient through the use of chording to access numeric keys.

Reudo Folding Keyboard and the Jorno

However, the promise of the Jorno feels to be far more exciting that the reality. The promised folding mechanism of the prototype was something that excited me. What I type on now is far more prosaic. Particularly given the numerous missed deadlines to get this keyboard to market. Other KickStarter backers were incensed by the lack of updates from Scott Starrett over the past few years. I don’t think they are going to be mollified by what has now been delivered.

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